Blog / Entries of the MYCOMIND / 2024-08-16: Bike Ride
My bike ride with my family!
Hello internet! Today, I went on a bike ride with my family! I've been going on bike rides more frequently, but I decided that I should share a little bit about what happened during today's bike ride! At first, one of my parents and one of my siblings were accompanying me, we decided to drive all the way to a bike trail, but before we could reach the trail, one of my other siblings came along and we had to back track. While we were riding back, I couldn't help but notice the amount of squirrels there were today! I counted a total of 14! One even tried to pass the trail I was riding on while I was riding close to it, luckily I braked and it lived to see another day. Once my other sibling came a long, we went to a park (my siblings are lazy) and returned home!
Returning home was nice, right untill I saw some familliar faces... I took part in track and feild last school year, and the people we bumped into were two of my teammates... I haven't kept in touch with my IRL friends that much, so it was kinda awkward, but hopefully they are doing well!
Thank you for reading! Hope to see you on the next one!
(P.S: Each blog entry, I will be changing and trying new fonts, so nothing is set in stone! I checked the webpage for this entry while writing, and the font looks sort of cramped, if you have any suggestions (if anyone is reading this) please shoot some to one of my socials! Thanks!)
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